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Doris Kearns Goodwin Quotes
Brief author info: Doris Kearns Goodwin (1943- ) American biographer and journalist.
Showing: 1 - 5 Doris Kearns Goodwin Quotes of 5
Perhaps no American family-with the possible exception of the Adams family-has had a more vivid and powerful impact on the life of their times. But the Kennedy tale-the spiral compound of glory, achievement, degradation and almost mythical tragedy-exerts a fascination upon us that goes beyond their public achievements.
The turn of the century was the age of the banker, so much so that the leading bankers of the day had become legendary figures in the public imagination-vast, overshadowing behemoths whose colossal power seemed to reach everywhere.
While its [Harvard's] undergraduate life was still controlled [in 1908-1912] by a select group of rich and fashionable families whose sons merely arrived when they were due to fill the places that had been waiting for them from the day they were born, it was, at the same time, opening its doors to a more cosmopolitan student population and beginning to take the first tentative steps toward mitigating the evils of a pyramidal social system that concentrated all its social honors upon the rich and the wellborn.
As a consequence [of a closed economic circle], in 1912 there was not a single Irishman who sat on a single board of a major Boston bank.
"I could walk with Jack [John F. Kennedy] into a room full of a hundred women," fellow Congressman and friend Frank Thompson said, "and at least eighty-five of them would be willing to sacrifice their honor and everything else if they could get into a pad with him."
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Life Quote
The most important thing is to enjoy your life-to be happy-it's all that matters.
Wise Quote
No man is poor who has a Godly mother.
Life Quote
Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?
Relationship Quote
A relationship is what happens between two people who are waiting for something better to come along.
Love Quote
A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.
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