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Gunnar Myrdal Quotes
Brief author info: Gunnar Myrdal (1898-1987) Swedish economist.
Showing: 1 - 10 Gunnar Myrdal Quotes of 14
Generally speaking, the less privileged groups in democratic society, as they become aware of their interests and their political power, will be found to press for ever more state intervention in practically all fields.
So many social changes are as irreversible as the reaction when sodium is thrown into water.
It is no accident that the Victorian age, the heyday of conventionalism, was the cultural bloom of economic liberalism.
"Planned parenthood" in the social history of the Western countries is, indeed, a phenomenon instrin-sically related to those very changes in peoples attitudes which, on the political plane, have been causing the trend towards economic planning.
The short-term international capital market is shrunken and erratic, and cannot be relied upon to cushion the effects of tendencies to disequilibrium in the balance of payments.
All sudden and violent changes, whatever their causes or character, must tend to decrease the respect for status quo as a natural order of things.
In most circles, the idea of economic planning has been in disrepute most of the time and, particularly in America, has almost carried connotations of intellectual and moral perversion and even political subversion.
In the United States, and to only slightly lesser degree in all the other rich and economically progressive Western countries, public debate has at all times been dominated by the adherents of a "free" economy.
Language, as we know, is full of illogicalities.
Social taboos are shy like virtue; once lost, there is no remedy
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