Judith Guest Quotes

Brief author info: Judith Guest (1936- ) American novelist.

Showing: 1 - 8 Judith Guest Quotes of 8
You have to live your life according to what comforts you, not what the rest of your family thinks you ought to be doing.
Don't put anyone out of your heart, there's room for all.
She laughed. "You never think about anything but sex, do you?" "Not so. Sometimes I think about eating."
As for love-that most passionate of religions-what did anyone really know about it? You did what you had to; that was all.
Always good to have one crazy in the family ... It takes the pressure off everybody else.
Make peace with what is.
Jesus but people got weird when they lived alone.
... the monotonous beauty of wealth.
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Wise Quote
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
Humorous Quote
Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.

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